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Allied Healthcare Products

LSP Infant Disposable BVM Resuscitator

Allied Healthcare Products

LSP Infant Disposable BVM Resuscitator



MFR# L670-200

BP# ALLL670200

The Infant Disposable Bag Valve Mask is a single patient use system for manual ventilation. The Infant BVM offers accurate, dependable operation coupled with the ability to manually feel a patient's respiratory response, all in a tamper-proof package for single patient use.

  • Comes with a bag, patient valve, and 7 feet of oxygen tubing
  • Comes with a pop-off relief valve, which pops off at 45 cm H20 max and can be overridden by the operator
  • When specific repeatable concentrations of oxygen are required, the bag refill valve can be employed in conjunction with a blender
  • When used as an oxygen supplemented source, this device also ensures high FIO2 concentrations on every bag compression no matter which clinical rate is employed
  • Conserves gas in the process by operating only while the bag refills
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