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Insyte AutoGuard Protective I.V. Catheters 20G X 1.00 in., Pink Bx/50 , Box/50


Insyte AutoGuard Protective I.V. Catheters 20G X 1.00 in., Pink Bx/50 , Box/50



MFR# 381433

BP# BD381433

Prescription Drug Authorization is required to purchase this item.

We will only process an order including this item if we have an Rx Drug Authorization form from you. If you would like us to process the unrestricted items in your order, please indicate this in the "Special Instructions" field during the shipping section of checkout. You can download our Prescription Drug Authorization form  here.

Adobe Reader is required to view the form. Get Adobe Reader free here.

A simple push button activates the spring loaded safety barrel which locks in the used needle!

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