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Iron Duck

Pedi-Air-Align, XL,Teal

Iron Duck

Pedi-Air-Align, XL,Teal



MFR# 35841-XL

BP# IRO35841-XL-TL

  • Pediatric Patients Ages 0-5 Years Old
  • Dimensions : 48"x 16" x 1.5"
  • Weight : 9.5 Lbs
  • 100% X-Ray, MRI and CT Scan compatible

In an emergency you need to be prepared for everything such as treating adults and children of all sizes. To accommodate children's ever changing bodies, the Pedi-Air-Align XL has the same great features of our original Pedi-Air-Align with four extra inches of width.

The Pedi-Air-Align is a single, one piece seamless roto-molded product with a textured surface that prevents slippage. The patented dual plane head drop system will help your young patient have their airway maintained and establish neutral spine alignment at the same time. The hook and loop system will help you securely immobilize your patient with ease. The Pedi-Air-Align supports the larger occipital area of a child's head to help with airway and spinal treatment, has an impenetrable built and is easy to clean after every use.

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