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Ripshears Ripper EMT Shears Attachment


Ripshears Ripper EMT Shears Attachment





When operating in the field, speed and stealth are essential to survival.

EMT shears with the Ripshears Ripper will easily slice through multiple layers of clothing, boots, leather jackets, denim, wetsuits, chemical biological and radiological suits (CBR), bandages, sports wraps, plastic packaging, seat belts and much more!

World's Fastest Trauma Shears

Just snip and rip! Expose patients' wounds faster so you can "head to toe, treat as you go" without switching tools. Slices through turnout gear, combat boots, leather jackets, denim, wet suits, CBR gear, bandages, sport wraps, plastic packaging, seat belts and much more

Fast & Effective

Mounted on a standard 7 1/4" trauma shear, the Ripper unit will cut material as fast as you can move your hand. Anyone can consistently expose the patient in less than 30 seconds using proper techniques. Ripshears record for removal of full combat fatigues with boots is 15 seconds! Ripshears will easily slice through street clothes, neck ties, military fatigues, boots, leather jackets, denim, wetsuits, chemical biological and radiological suits (CBR), bandages, sports wraps, plastic packaging, seat belts, and much more! Because it is still a trauma shear you will cut through thicker materials such as belts, nylon webbing, zippers, and thin metals should the need arise

Cost Effective

EMS shears are a great product with a variety of applications, but they cut slowly and dull quickly. Ripshears products can dramatically extend the life of your EMS shears and save you money. As a bonus, Ripshears blades may be easily replaced so you no longer need to throw your tools away.

Do No Further Harm

The standard set of bandage shears will often painfully snag and pinch exposed skin. EMT shears with the Ripshears Ripper remove tight fitting articles and bandages in the flick of the wrist without causing discomfort to your patient! With Ripshears patented Ripshears design, efficiently remove tough sports wraps, pressure dressings, and hospital ID wristbands comfortably and fast. Simply slip the blade guide between the patient's skin and constrictive articles. For dressing and tight wristbands, firmly seat the ripper along the articles anterior aspect, pull down using quick and deliberate action making sure to keep the Ripper parallel to the skin surface. For sports wraps, firmly seat the Ripshears and use a rocking motion to pull up and away from the skin. This technique will allow for the fastest, most comfortable removal. Ripshears has sliced through a standard Israeli pressure dressing with 12 wraps in less than .5 seconds without leaving a single mark.

Four Tools in One

  1. Trauma Shear
  2. Safety Knife
  3. Reflex Hammer
  4. O2 Wrench

The Ripshears design combines the power of a trauma shear, the speed and agility of a safety knife and the diagnostic ability of a reflex hammer. Plus we’ve even added an O2 wrench feature. By simply flipping the shear in your hand you can use its multiple tools without going back to your bag saving time and money. Lightweight, compact and fast, when you need to cut, rip, percuss or turn on your O2, Ripshears is a must have for any first responder.

Won't Fail You In Tough Positions

Times of limited mobility often occur when working motor vehicle accidents or in combat situations. The inability to work effectively in difficult positions can be uncomfortable, waste critical time and puts both you and the patients' life at risk. A unique benefit to adding Ripshears to your tool kit is that Ripshears product will provide cutting angles that are not available with standard EMS shears. Regular shears have a tendency to dull, slow down, or even stop cutting altogether. They are virtually ineffective when they are not perpendicular to the cutting surface. You might have experienced these issues when you've needed to work across a patient's body or maintain a low profile while treating. Ripshears will maximize your ability to extricate, expose, and treat your patients.

The Ripper will bolt onto most sets of standard 7 1/4" trauma shears turning them into a virtual juggernaut!  There will be no need to waste time digging through your bag to find the right tool because now you will have four tools, right in the palm of your hand.

The Ripper is made with glass infused nylon to increase its durability.  Ripshears has also improved the design by adding square flanges vs the previous hexagonal version.  This is a significant improvement from previous models because it helps prevent stripping and/or loss of screws.

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