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Koldcare Koolaburn Sterile Burn Body Towel 24" X 36"


Koldcare Koolaburn Sterile Burn Body Towel 24" X 36"



MFR# 2436

BP# 629608

Koolaburn Sterile Fire Blankets are made from a 96% water gel-saturated polished non-woven polyester. The non-woven polyester is heat resistant and the gel saturation allows the blanket to withstand temperatures of 20000C (35680F) for several minutes, enabling the blanket to be used as a valuable tool for both lifesaving and fire rescue. The sterile condition also makes the blanket usable to cover the body in the effort to protect a victim from further infection or hypothermia during transfer to a hospital. The cooling effect of the gelled water not only helps relieve pain but also helps stop the spread of the burn.

  • Heat Resistant and Heat Protective
  • Sterile - No risk of contamination or infection
  • Not wet or messy
  • Cools by evaporation - Gel is 96% water to draw heat away from the burn
  • High density of blanket prevents unnecessary exposure of the injury to the elements
  • Nontoxic and nonirritant
  • Non adhesive - Will not stick to the burned area when removed
  • Biodegradable and safe for the environment
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