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Combitube 41 Fr Esophageal/Tracheal Standard Tray


Combitube 41 Fr Esophageal/Tracheal Standard Tray



MFR# 677541

BP# 677541

The Combitube is designed to establish an airway in difficult and emergency situations. Achieve rapid intubation and effective ventilation during surgery, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and in the intensive care unit. Ideal for all areas of the hospital and pre-hospital care for emergency airway management, including crash trolleys , theatres, obstetrics and the emergency services.


Features and Benefits:


  • Unique double-lumen design allows for rapid establishment of an effective airway through either esophageal or tracheal placement.
  • Blind placement without laryngoscope
  • Pharyngeal balloon inflates to hold device firmly in place and helps prevent the escape of gas through the nose or mouth.
  • Full-length lumen allows for suctioning of gastric contents with no interruption of patient ventilation should the COMBITUBE airway be placed in the esophagus.
  • Esophageal cuff inflates to seal the esophagus so that gas does not enter the stomach and gastric contents are not aspirated.
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