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Prestige Medical

Aneroid Sphygmomanometer / Clinical I Stethoscope Kit, Adult, Betty Boop Colored Hearts, Print

Prestige Medical

Aneroid Sphygmomanometer / Clinical I Stethoscope Kit, Adult, Betty Boop Colored Hearts, Print





This kit includes Prestige's most popular nylon Aneroid Sphygmomanometer with Index and Range markings, gauge holder, artery indicator label, standard inflation bulb, precision calibrated gauge, and an extra large 6" x 9" matching color nylon carrying case. Kit also includes a matching color Clinical I stethoscope. This stethoscope is made of anodized aluminum, giving it both strength and durability along with the comfort of its ultra light weight. All parts are latex free and it comes with the Prestige Medical Lifetime Limited Warranty.

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