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Fast 1Tm Trainer w/Fast 1 Kit


Fast 1Tm Trainer w/Fast 1 Kit



MFR# 204

BP# SIM204

This small trainer provides critical anatomic landmarks for training care givers in the use of the FAST1". Previous training was done utilizing Pyng Medical's SIM-STERN materials without benefit of realistic anatomic landmarks or employing the SIM-IO trainer on fellow-students (Using Velcro-tipped simulated catheter and SIM-IO training target patch) but not experiencing the real forces involved in placing the FAST1" catheter. With this very transportable trainer, students will be able to palpate the suprasternal notch for placement of the target patch, place a target patch on the trainer, and actually insert the FAST1" infusion catheter using the FAST1" demonstrator. A replaceable disk lies under the simulator skin surface and is slightly rotated after each insertion, making at least 100 FAST1" insertions per disk possible. If your service utilizes the FAST1" sternal intraosseous device or you operate a training center that teaches the use of adult intraosseous infusions, this simulator is a must.

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