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Spur II Disposable Infant BVM Resuscitator


Spur II Disposable Infant BVM Resuscitator



MFR# 540 212 000

BP# 331110

The Ambu Spur II Infant resuscitator features a support strap and textured grip which minimizes hand fatigue and facilitates uniform bag compression. Made of SEBS material, it is environmentally safe and fully disposable. It comes complete with a infant mask, oxygen reservoir bag and 7' oxygen tubing.

  • SafeGrip" surface ensures that the Ambu SPUR II can be firmly squeezed
  • Valve-controlled oxygen reservoir allows nearly 100% oxygen supply
  • Optional PEEP Valve connection (not included)
  • Equipped with a medication port that allows quick medication delivery
  • Soft splashguard for user safety
  • Single-shutter valve"
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