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Smiths Medical

Jelco Protectiv Safety IV Catheter, Straight Hub

Smiths Medical

Jelco Protectiv Safety IV Catheter, Straight Hub




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The PROTECTIV and PROTECTIV PLUS Safety IV Catheters pioneered the movement to innovative safety design that protect the healthcare worker from the risks associated with accidental needlestick injuries. For more than a decade, PROTECTIV Safety IV Catheters have been the trusted choice of healthcare professionals. It's easy to see why. PROTECTIV Safety IV Catheter offers distinct product safety features, with documented results that prove its success in reducing accidental needlesticks. Most importantly, the choice of catheter materials, FEP polymer and radiopaque polyurethane, and needlepoint design of the PROTECTIV Safety IV Catheter eases conversion to safety.

  • Radiopaque FEP polymer or OCRILON Polyurethane
  • Compatible with customary technique
  • Documented results proven to reduce accidental needlesticks
  • Universal color coded to indicate catheter gauge at a glance
  • 3 year shelf life
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