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Aircraft Medical

McGrath MAC EMS Video Larygoscope

Aircraft Medical

McGrath MAC EMS Video Larygoscope



BP# MCG300-200-000

The low cost McGrath MAC raises the global standard of care. Combining video and direct visualization the McGrath MAC supports routine to more difficult intubations and reduces the use of multiple devices. The McGrath MAC is designed to improve Grade of view, invests in existing skills and avoids complicating more simple intubations.

Anterior Motive: Improve your view

The McGrath MAC’s anterior camera angle is designed to improve grade of view, provide better confirmation of tube placement, and bring an end to tunnel vision experienced with direct view only laryngoscopes. All this with no change in technique. A major advantage for even the most straightforward intubations.

For more difficult cases the anterior image can reduce the possibility of blind tube insertion and obtain otherwise difficult views with little force.

Less curve = Less stylet

The familiar curvature of the McGrath MAC blade enables gentle lifting of the anatomy to clear an optimum tube path unlike many video laryngoscopes blades with a more pronounced curvature. Requiring no additional training the familiar shaped blade is designed to obtain the most direct route for the quickest and least complicated tube placement.

Dental Friendly: 11.9 slim-line blade

The new McGrath slim-line blade removes blade width at the mouth area, giving you greater ability to maneuver the device without pressing on the teeth. This can be a benefit in all cases but particularly in small mouth openings, nasal intubations and preoperative assessments.

The McGrath blade is made from a robust optical polymer and supported by an internal reinforced CameraStick giving ‘steel-like’ rigidity.

Blindspot reduction: Enhanced tube confrmation

Vertically aligned optics and screen format enables early tube visualization to expedite intubation and address tube trauma. The 2.5” screen allows shared viewers a clear and improved anatomical view.

Reinforced, robust & reliable: Steel-cored alloy chassis

The McGrath MAC is made to with stand tough clinical environments. Re-inforced with a steel-cored alloy chassis, it has been tested to twice industry standards to give you complete reassurance. 2M drop tested & designed for impact

Compact "switch on & go" technology: No strings attached

Cable free design means the McGrath MAC can go anywhere with you or the patient reducing valuable set-up time. On board display keeps attention on the patient.

Easy to clean & fully immersible

Infection control is achieved with sterile packaged blades and fully immersible handle for High Level Disinfection.

Long life battery: Always ready for use

Using a long lasting power source means you have a device that’s always ready to use. The accurate minute-by-minute on screen battery charge indicator provides peace of mind.

MAC Handle

  • Size: 180mm x 68mm x 110mm
  • Weight: 200g
  • Power: Proprietary 3.6V Lithium Battery Pack ( c. 250 minutes )
  • Light source: High intensity LED
  • Display: 2.5” LCD colour display
  • Camera: CMOS
  • Materials: Durable medical grade thermoplastics reinforced with structural alloy core.
  • The device and packaging are latex free

MAC Disposable Blades

  • Material: Medical grade optical polymer
  • Packaging: Packaged sterile for single use


This product complies with EN 60601-1 and EN 60601-1-2 safety standards. The CE mark indicates that it meets the requirements of European Council Directives 93/42/EEC and 2007/47/EC concerning medical devices. The device is regulated in the USA under FDA Regulation Number 868.5540 and device listed under the name McGrath MAC. "McGrath" and "Aircraft" are registered trademarks of Aircraft Medical Limited. "CameraStick" is a trademark of Aircraft Medical Limited.

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