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Pocket CPR Mask w/o Oxygen Inlet in Soft Pack, Pediatric


Pocket CPR Mask w/o Oxygen Inlet in Soft Pack, Pediatric



MFR# 820050

BP# 427831

Children are not just little adults. They have unique features that require unique equipment. The Laerdal Pediatric Pocket Mask" has been designed to address the different anatomical needs of the pediatric patient while providing the efficacy and protection appreciated by the rescuer. Utilizing the same low-resistance one-way valve as the traditional Laerdal Pocket Mask" in combination with a transparent soft silicone mask, the Laerdal Pediatric Pocket Mask" is an excellent companion for the professional rescuer and first responder who have contact with infants and children.

  • One-way valve acts as an additional barrier
  • Easy assembly for quick application
  • Distance from patient allows visualization of chest rise and fall
  • Can be used in CPR instruction courses
  • Yellow/Blue soft pack carry case with belt strap and clip
  • Gloves and wipe included for additional rescuer protection
  • All components are latex-free
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